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Our School celebrates Outstanding leadership and management

Directors, governors, staff, parents and children at St John’s Catholic Primary School in Great Haywood are delighted with the school’s new Ofsted report which praises leadership and management at the school as ‘outstanding’. 

Previously rated as ‘requires improvement’ in March 2019, St John’s was re-inspected at the end of September.  The school is part of The Painsley Catholic Academy and its new Head of School, Mrs Lucy Snaith has been in post for just over a year.   

The Ofsted report states: 

 “St John’s Catholic Primary is a warm and welcoming place. The school motto, ‘we are better together’, is realised. There is a strong sense of community and mutual respect……The school is a calm and orderly place in which to learn…..Pupils say they feel safe…….Leaders have high aspirations for what pupils can achieve. Staff expect pupils to work hard and try their best. Pupils live up to these expectations. 

Pupils are polite and courteous and have positive attitudes to learning. This starts in Nursery……Leaders provide pupils with a wide range of experiences beyond the classroom. This helps to give pupils a sense of responsibility. Pupils can be a member of the school council or a play leader. They can raise money for charity or donate food to a local food bank. The school is therefore a valued part of the local community. 

Directors and leaders of the Painsley Catholic Academy multi-academy company (MAC) have a clear vision for the school. They want pupils to achieve the best they can.  Every pupil matters. Leaders and staff across the school share this vision.” 

Head of School, Mrs Lucy Snaith said, “This has been a real morale boost for everyone within the school community.  Our school is going from strength to strength with pupil numbers rising, improvements in student attainments and a massive increase in extracurricular activities and trips.  We have a lovely, friendly community and I am thankful to each and every member of our school family.” 

The Ofsted report also found the quality of education to be ‘Good’, behaviour and attitudes, ‘Good’, personal development and early years’ provision were judged to be ‘Good’. 

The school is holding an open morning for prospective parents looking for a place in Nursery or Reception on 15th November at 9.30am.  Parents need to contact the office to book their place.  
