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Information about Geography at St. John's

Our Geography lessons are structured carefully to develop a secure understanding of the world, applying key cross-curricular skills that develop spiral learning and metacognition in the following areas:


  • Comparing locations;
  • Investigating;
  • Researching different sources;
  • Writing and talking about places;
  • Asking and answering questions.


Locational knowledge

We ensure that children have a secure understanding of where they are in the World and it is essential that children know where they are locally and how their locality links to significant places nearby and nationally. Children understand where places and events take place in the news as well as understanding the features of our planet. This is key to understanding our world.


Place Knowledge

It is vital that children understand what the place they are studying is like, describing the climate and what the land looks like. Fundamentally, children should be able to describe what it would be like to live there.


Human and Physical Geography

Using a range of maps, atlases and globes, children use different sources to discover urban and rural places, the industries in which it thrives, and its transport links. It covers how the land was formed, and how it has changed over the years. Children investigate how rivers, mountains and volcanoes as well as how they are formed! They discover how these physical features shape the world and how we can work towards a more sustainable future. 


Geographical Skills and Fieldwork

All of the above is taught using practical fieldwork, where children enjoy the outdoors collecting live data to use within the classroom, as well as using a range of maps, scales, atlases and sources of information. 
