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SEND Process

If you have any concerns about your child, then the first port of call is to see your child’s teacher. In most instances they will be able to answer any questions you may have. If you are still concerned please see our SENCO.


Mr Hammersley is our SENCO and also the Lead Teacher within the school. You are always welcome to arrange a meeting at the office, or contact him directly on Class Dojo.


What do I do if I think my child has a Special Educational Need?


1. Speak to your child’s class teacher. Please catch them at the beginning or end of the school day or arrange a call or meeting via the office. They are also contactable through Class Dojo. As a parent of a child with SEND, we will endeavour to reply to your message within 1 working day.

2. Speak to the SENCO who can talk your concerns through with you.

3. Speak to your GP, Health Visitor or School Nurse, which may also be advised by the SENCO.


How will my child be supported at St John's?

Specific interventions will be put in place for children identified as requiring additional support. This will either be in a small group with others within the classroom setting or as a 1:1 intervention in a specific area eg. speech and language, phonics etc. Occasionally, a pupil may need more expert support. In this instance the school will seek the advice of other educational specialists such as SENIS, Behaviour Support Service and Educational Psychologists.


For children on the SEND register we use a graduatedapproach of Assess, Plan, Do, Review.

This means we;

  • Assess the pupils learning to identify their need
  • Plan for how we can meet that need
  • carry out the plan (Do)
  • evaluate and Review the plan. This is recorded in the form of a Pupil Passport. Your child’s Pupil Passport targets are updated half termly in liaison with yourself and your child. Parent meetings are held every half term to review your child’s targets and discuss progress.


Who can I contact for further information?

St John's SENCO or school office – 01889 343106

The Staffordshire Local Offer -

Staffordshire Family Partnership Service – SENDIASS:

We also have some great advice on our 'Useful Links' and 'FAQs' pages - take a look to see if there are any more answers that you might need!
