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Welcome to Nursery

with Mrs Hall and Miss McMullin! 


St John's Nursery welcomes pupils aged 3 years and over. 





Prime Areas of Learning


Communication and Language

The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development. We continue to support the children in learning new vocabulary and developing their spoken language, for example by using ‘My Turn Your Turn’ in our Read Write Inc lessons and stem sentences modelled by the adults in our maths sessions. We also provide role-play activities, lots of discussion opportunities and encourage children to ask questions.


Personal Social and Emotional Development

Children’s personal social and emotional development is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives. We continue to support them to learn and develop their personal, social and emotional skills through developing strong and supportive relationships with the adults in the class and their peers. By using stories and activities including ‘Circle Time’, they will identify and name emotions, and are supported to reflect on and self-regulate their feelings and behaviour.


Physical Development

Physical Development doesn't just happen in PE lessons. It is also about the development of fine motor skills, including holding a pencil correctly in order to write. The children participate in lots of activities which develop their fine motor, including threading, lacing, picking up small objects with child tweezers, dough disco, scissor skills.


Prime Areas of Learning


Children will begin to learn and practise recognising and sounding letters, using 'Fred Talk'. 



During maths sessions, the children will use a variety of concrete resources and a variety of pictorial representations, as well as the abstract numerals that represent each number.



Understanding the World

We will continue to support the children to make sense of their physical world and their community through looking at seasonal changes from Winter to Spring. 


Expressive Arts and Design

In Music, we will be using the Charanga Music Platform to learn to sing along with nursery rhymes and action songs, to listen and respond to different styles of music, to play classroom instruments, and to demonstrate the learning that has taken place through sharing and performing.


Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
