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Please support St John’s PTA

As a parent of a child at St John’s Primary School, you are automatically a member of our charity: The Parent Teacher Association (PTA). St John’s PTA is a registered charity that is always in need of parents, family members and friends to volunteer to help out at our fundraising events. Support with donations and any skills that you could offer, which can enhance the school and raise funds towards your child's education would be very welcome.  All help is appreciated - no matter how much or how little time you are able to give. We will contact you before events to find out what support you can offer.


Other ways you could help includes finding out if your employer may offer 'Match Funding' for charities. If your company would support such a charity, please ask what your role in the fundraising may be; such as raffle ticket selling, tombola or assisting to organise an event. Don’t worry, we will help you with these challenges! Let us know what you find out and we can help organise it.
