Interested in teaching?
For information on primary, secondary and SEND please click the link below: Primary Training is delivered in partnership with KNSTE.
Keele and North Staffordshire Teacher Education (KNSTE) is a School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) provider that has a partnership of over 120 schools who work closely with Shaw Education Trust to offer high quality teacher education. On successful completion of all of our courses you will gain Qualified Teacher Status QTS). On the QTS + PGCE route you will gain a Keele University Postgraduate or Professional Certificate alongside your Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
As an innovation for 2023-24 we are offering a QTS only route. A comparison of the two options below may help you in making the decision about which route might be best for you.
Specialisms with KNSTE
Specialisms with KNSTE:
In addition to the PGCE and QTS Awards, KNSTE offers recognition of your subject or phase specialisms. These include:
· Art and Design
· Early Years
· English and the Performing Arts
· Geography and History
· Physical Education
· Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Alongside your specialisms, you benefit from additional, specialist qualifications including, for example, Philosophy for Children, Thinking Moves and Understanding the Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health of Children and Young People.
Two Year Flexible Programme
KNSTE offers a two-year flexible route for all its courses. The flexible pathway is particularly directed at career changers or those with caring responsibilities. It is a rigorous and demanding programme, and colleagues who benefit from this option need to be highly organised. It does offer the opportunity to combine your commitment to the programme with other aspects of your life.
To apply for the flexible route for our primary programmes, you must apply via the KNSTE course codes.
For further information about KNSTE’s two-year flexible programme, please contact KNSTE via the website ( or on 01782 432537.
Assessment Only Route (AO)
Assessment Only – The KNSTE Process:[LB1]
KNSTE also offer an assessment only route into primary teaching. This AO route is intended for very experienced graduate teachers without QTS. Many will be currently employed as unqualified teachers or Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs). This experience will include responsibility for planning, teaching and assessment of whole classes of fifteen or pupils or more during the last 2-3 years prior to the commencement of the 12-week assessment period. This experience should be gained across a minimum of two different settings.
The programme is predominantly aimed at colleagues who wish to be assessed for the Early Years and Primary phases of education. Applicants working in special schools using the Primary National Curriculum and colleagues working in Middle Schools will also be considered. KNSTE is based near to Stoke-on-Trent and will assess colleagues working in Stoke, Cheshire or Staffordshire schools who are within a 35-mile radius of their base (ST5 3PJ).
For further information about KNSTE’s Assessment Only (AO) route, please contact KNSTE via the website ( or on 01782 432537.
How to Apply
We very much hope that you will be excited to apply to train to teach with us!
Comprehensive guidance is available on our website at:
Applications to us should be submitted via the GOV.UK service.
You need only submit one application to us so if you are electing for the Flexible, SEND or QTS only routes please select KNSTE: for all other specialisms there is no difference between KNSTE and Golden Thread Teaching School Hub in terms of the programme.
Our open evenings are available both face to face on Keele campus and Online on via Teams. To find out more and to book on to one of these sessions please visit: